01983 880180 appointments@islandcosmeticclinic.co.uk Treatment Clinics Monday 10am-6pm / Wednesday 10am - 6pm / Friday 10am-6pm

Mr J


Mr J

I carried out months of research before choosing Dr Jilani for my treatments. There were three things that were important to me, (aside from the fact that I wanted a drastic difference in my appearance without surgery.) 1 Trust, 2 Professionalism, 3 Individual treatment.

Dr Jilani excelled in all three. Treatment wise I have Injectable wrinkle treatments and Microdermabrasion (there are a number of treatments out there- this is the real thing. Dr Jilani gave me what I wanted – and the difference between him and other practitioners – he’s genuine, my treatments are led by my requirements (precise) and my visits are a pleasure. My first treatment results were great, but following a discussion with him he radically changed my procedure, which made the results superb. He is an unsung hero in this field – just wish I didn’t have to go to the Isle of Wight for it.